Friday, July 25, 2014

Pink Paper Roses

Finally here are my paper roses! :) I am so glad that I made them on my own. I practiced for days just to achieve them and I even made my own template because I want something that is originally mine. I made them using vellum paper, colored with watercolor, and applied a small amount of glitter glue on each of the petals. Hope you guys find it beautiful Enjoy! :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Week in Photos

Practiced watercolor for the watercolored flowers workshop

also did some experiment on paper flowers

lastly, the long awaited watercolored flowers workshop by Alessa Lanot of Life After Breakfast



Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Paper Hydrangeas

Finally, here's the photos of my Hydrangeas! It took me so loooooong to finish these 3 because I was so busy meeting deadlines. I just had 2 weeks of less sleep. And I will have mooooore! Whew! So yeah. By the way, I got the idea from Lia Griffith, my idol. She's got this incredible knack of creating very beautiful paper flowers! I look up to her so much that I want to be like her someday and leave architecture behind. HAHA! So Enjoy! :) 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Flower Friday

Heya guys! This July 9, me and my friend Edryce will be joining Alessandra Lanot's watercolor workshop. Just the thought of it makes me so giddy and all. For inspiration, I would like to share to you this picture done by Catherine of Deep Cove Flowers. Her works are bow-down magnifique!!!